How to innovate in health and wellbeing ?

Our key methods to boost health and wellbeing.

The Ekipoz offers  have been developed around the concept of co-developpement between your company and our teams. With an immediate and long lasting benefit, our offers will tackle key points of stress management based on change and co-developpement with your teams, and according to their needs.

Change is a real opportunity for a company to implement Eki-pauses and improve time management. Your co-workers will be given the necessary keys to set up their own balance break anywhere and anytime.  

Our innovative approach which is based on collective intelligence, is a breath of fresh air. 

Innovating together 

Innovation, especially in the field of health and wellbeing, is very much written into Ekipoz’s DNA. Ekipoz wishes to offer innovative, and user centric solutions and thus opens up dialog to the use of “with” and “for”.

Boost health and wellbeing at work


Innovating “With” and “For” to give meaning.

From the conception and initial ideation stage, the joint innovation process is set up by Ekipoz until the evaluation of the implementation of our solution within your organisation. This implementation is followed by a correction and adaptation phase. 

Ekipoz has developed an organizational agility in order to produce innovations “with meaning”.


How to use UX Design in Health and Wellbeing?

Experienced with co-design methods and the empowerment of users, citizens, and collaborators at the heart of innovation, the founders of Ekipoz believe in and engage in UX Design approaches throughout the process of designing and making available applications or services. 

We benefit from a strong experience in the design of health solutions and services in which the patient is at the heart of the system.

Ethical design is integrated in our offers and is in close adequacy with the values of Ekipoz and its ethics.


How to Co-create and Co-develop sustainably?

Co-designing tomorrow's well-being solutions: a caring ecosystem

With a participative design method, we believe in the potential of each person and in the resources directly accessible to them.

We practice the “Co” method, thus using collective intelligence to obtain results to better impact.

Ekipoz workshops are eco-designed solutions for today and tomorrow, respecting a “frugal” innovation thus respecting the environment and the resources available.

Customization : A 4-step method for well-being at work

Our solution is based on a key macro methodology aimed at sharing and identifying the strengths of your organization. Sharing and recognizing situations of discomfort and stress is one of our priorities.

Then we implement a step of co-designing solutions and practices, which combine educational methods, sharing and well-being practices. 

Then comes the implementation and support stage.  We also want to help you implement stress reduction practices and techniques to help your teams progress.

Throughout the implementation of the system, Ekipoz then offers an evaluation carried out by the group in order to assess the progress of your organization. This evaluation can be done individually or collectively, depending on your needs and corporate culture.

A 4 steps methods
A 4 step method to improve health and well-being at work

Collaborative approach: how do we intervene ?

Experienced in managing large multi-partner projects, our team intervenes and implements methods and tools of project management to aim at the respect of the golden triangle “Cost – Deadline – Quality”.

In order to be as close as possible to the contexts and needs of your companies, Ekipoz remains attentive throughout the entire support process, in a collaborative approach counselling

Innovative and customizable solutions.

En tant que Jeune Entreprise Innovante,  la Recherche et le Développement fait partie de l’ADN d’Ekipoz. Ekipoz travaille auprès de partenaires scientifiques, de startups et de représentants de citoyens et patients pour proposer un ensemble de techniques validées scientifiquement ou par les usages.

Ces techniques sont proposées de manière personnalisée aux utilisateurs, qu’ils soient managers ou les collaborateurs de votre organisation.

Prendre en compte différents facteurs : la motivation, l’expérience, les goûts, les moments est très utile pour veiller à ce que la technique proposée puisse être mise en œuvre avec efficacité par la personne.

Innovation in health prevention through customization

As a Young and Innovative company, Research and development are part of Ekipoz’s very DNA, as we work with scientific partners, startups as well as citizen and patient representatives to be able to offer a set of techniques that are scientifically or usage supported. 

These techniques are customized to the user’s needs, whether they are managers or co-workers of your organization.

Taking into account different factors such as motivation, experience, taste, moments is very useful when ensuring that the techniques we offer are efficiently implemented in the person’s routine. 

Each technique includes a method that is explained and made available to the user.

Customisation in the mobile app, also includes a design and atmosphere tailored to people.

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