The Ekipoz App, For a balanced break

An efficient organisation is one that takes care of its co-workers. Quality of Work Life (QWL) is thus at the heart of an issue in which Managers, HR Directors and employers have a strong responsibility.  

In reality, it is often difficult for a company to offer suitable solutions to co-workers who are under a lot of stress, especially when it comes to an individual approach to QWL, or a personalized treatment.

Application mobile

In order to guide change and transformation within your organisation, Ekipoz has developed an innovative digital solution with the French Tech label. 

With the Ekipoz app, develop work and life balance and give your co-workers access to daily customizable breaks to help improve their well-being as well as their personal health. The mobile app offers a thorough learning program which combines themes such as digital and health at work. The app is accessible at any time and anywhere, even during personal times. 

Innovative digital solutions : A major undertaking for your health prevention strategies

The digital world has now become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether it is a smartphone in our hand or in our pockets, we quite literally have well-being and break time at our fingertips! 

Because your teams’ health is directly linked to your economic capital, Ekipoz wishes to help organizations who know how precious their team’s well being is. 

“By boosting balance and wellbeing at work, you are helping your organisation’s overall balance and economy.”

The Ekipoz mobile app : your team’s wellbeing at their fingertips.

A wellness test to assess individual levels of stress and customize breaks: A mobile app for healthcare.

Chronic stress and its effects on the body and work are oftentimes closely correlated. Knowing how to recognise and learning how to manage situations of stress is a feat of management in itself. This is why the Ekipoz mobile app includes an assessment of the types of stress, stress levels, as well as which de-stressors to use in such a situation. 

Quick and simple to use, the Ekipoz mobile application then allows your teams to have access to a route of customizable breaks and helps your co-workers to improve their levels of stress at work and thus fitting perfectly into a benevolent management approach.

A customized prevention solution, an individual, well-balanced schedule.

In order to prevent situations of anxiety at work, but also to reduce stress in favor of health and well-being, and thus providing your organization with health prevention, Ekipoz offers a customizable solution to companies who wish to support their managers, co-workers as well as their teams. 

Thanks to an individual assessment of your co-worker’s life balance and stress levels, the mobile app will provide you with a customized experience. With Ekipoz, your co-workers choose their break time as well as when and where they wish to do them. 

Unlike pre existing systems in which break times are predetermined, and linked to one’s activity (or over activity), 

“Ekipoz encourages their users to choose the “right moment” to do their Eki-pause. The moment we choose for ourselves, is the moment we can best improve our health !”

Balanced breaks to boost relaxation, self esteem, and time management suited to each person’s needs !

Your teams will have access to daily breaks, rather short as they do not exceed 5 minutes. They are practical, simple and accessible to all anywhere and at any time on your smartphone. Your teams will also be able to integrate break reminders in their schedule.

Eki-pauses will be available in specific, individual programs around three poles of balance :

  • Relaxation and calm,

    Relaxation and calm,

  • Self esteem and one’s relation to others,

    Self esteem and one’s relation to others,

  • Priority and time management.

    Priority and time management.

Help your teams implement a work-life balance thanks to the Ekipoz mobile app, your trump card for the management of well-being and health of your co-workers.



“I was coached to improve my work-life balance and recover my serenity. In addition to having benefited from regular sessions in sophrology to calm my rhythm and learn to deal with my emotions, I also found advice on stress and time management. 

I am now continuing my training and taking advantage of the Eki-pauses, which are short and simple breaks that I watch or listen to several times a day for my greatest benefit.

I now schedule my Eki-pauses on my smartphone and run them in my spare time once or twice a day!”

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